Monday 30 November 2015

Quthing history

This historic site is one of Lesotho hidden treasure. It is located in Quthing District, about 180km South of Maseru. The cave house was built in 1866 by Rev.David  Ellenberger,  a missionary of the Paris Evangelical Missionary society.

Ellenberger used a natural rock shelter which had been used by Bushmen,  to make his home,  he enlarged the cave and enclosed it with brick.  This became his home with his wife and the kids, most of his children where born in that cave.

The cave house restored in 2003 since then over 8000 visitors have come from around the world. It is now a museum with exhibits installed.

Rev.David is the one who discovered the Dinosaurs footprints in the district of Quthing in 1960. In 2000 million years ago dinosaurs where living in the district of Quthing and they were killed by volcano and the other one's that survived the volcano were killed by the hunger.

Rev.David found the footprints and there were some bones around, those bones belonged to the 4 metres long dinosaur. When time goes by they transformed to rocks

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