Sunday 11 September 2016

Lesotho history

 Lesotho goes many as 40 000 years. The present Lesotho then was called Basutoland emerged as single polity under chief Moshoeshoe in 1822. Under Moshoeshoe Basutoland joined other tribes in their struggle against the Lifaqane associated with the reign of Shaka Zulu from 1818.

Evolution of the state was shaped by contact with the British and Dutch colonists from Cape Colony. missionary invited by Moshoeshoe works in Sotho language between 1837 and 1855. In 1869 the British signed a treaty at Aliwal with the Boers that defined boundaries of Basutoland and later Lesotho.

The extent with the British exerted direct control over Basutoland waxed and waned until the Basutoland independence in 1966. It became the first kingdom of Lesotho however the ruling Basotho National Party BNP lost the first post independence general election to the Basotho Congress Party BCP. Leabua Jonathan declared himself Tona Kholo ( prime minister) . the BCP began an insurrection that start in January 1986 military coup forced the BNP out of office. Power was transferred to king Moshoeshoe 2, until then a ceremonial monarch, but forced into exile when he lost favour with military the following year. His son King Letsie 3 conditions remained tumultuous.

Friday 12 August 2016

The struggles of rural students

 At 5:00am under the dark sky, a young learner struggles out of bed. He fetches water for his family, milks cows, and leads casttle to grazing fields, then embarks on a long and treacherous journey to reach his school. He crosses rivers, jumping from rock to rock in absence of bridge, walks over mountains and through forests that are home to dangerous snakes and rough terrain, and in a lightining storm desperately seeks shelter at the strangers houses. After a trip of more hours, he before make a return journey home.

The struggle for education is no anomaly. This is the reality for many children in Lesotho, where more than 200,000 learners walk more than 2hours to travel to and from school everyday. I personally visited the rural school of Quthing called Moreneng primary school and Pontseng Primary school and meet the teacher of Moreneng primary school who also walk a distance of 2 hours to and from school his name is Mr Tsitso Maliehe who told me that they sometimes allow learners to not attend school due to bad whether, he said it became difficult for a learner to concentrate in class because they will be tired. Due to bad roads at rural area, learners that are going to Pontseng or Moreneng primary school can't use transport.

 Mr Maliehe also have to walk a distance to school because he can not use transport due to bad road, not only him but other educators who teach in the rural area have to walk.

Monday 30 November 2015

Pontseng Sebapala

The man called Rasilasi is the 1st person to stay at Pontseng,  Rasilasi who was staying in the rock that was being built by the bushmen in the early years back,  Rasilasi stayed there in several years until he decided to build a home at the nearest village called Pontseng and got married, his wife Masilasi had kids, one of her kids was Rapholoana who got married and her wife name was Mapholoana. 

Mapholoana created a well and named it after herself.  This well called Mapholoana,  people who live at Pontseng village are still using that we'll to provide themselves with water.  It's water is naturally cold all the year around,  mostly get very cold especially in summer, 

Quthing history

This historic site is one of Lesotho hidden treasure. It is located in Quthing District, about 180km South of Maseru. The cave house was built in 1866 by Rev.David  Ellenberger,  a missionary of the Paris Evangelical Missionary society.

Ellenberger used a natural rock shelter which had been used by Bushmen,  to make his home,  he enlarged the cave and enclosed it with brick.  This became his home with his wife and the kids, most of his children where born in that cave.

The cave house restored in 2003 since then over 8000 visitors have come from around the world. It is now a museum with exhibits installed.

Rev.David is the one who discovered the Dinosaurs footprints in the district of Quthing in 1960. In 2000 million years ago dinosaurs where living in the district of Quthing and they were killed by volcano and the other one's that survived the volcano were killed by the hunger.

Rev.David found the footprints and there were some bones around, those bones belonged to the 4 metres long dinosaur. When time goes by they transformed to rocks

Monday 5 October 2015

Natural beauty of QwaQwa

Its so natural here, the air is fresh, everything its so natural. QwaQwa was homeland in the central eastern part of South Africa. Its capital city known as Phuthaditjhaba and it also known by many Sesotho speaking people who are located at Phuthaditjhaba. We stopped by the Basotho cultural village, it is here where the lifestyle of the South Sotho people return to their natural habit.

The hurts are built and furnished according to time frame. The colour of the hurts is also dramatic and extremely vibrant. There is nothing like a warm traditional Basotho meal and the entertaining sound of the accordion and drum to complete an unforgettable experience. We wouldn't mind to return to this place again.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Warm welcome in Welkom

                                                    Welkom city
Welkom is the city in the free state,  south Africa,  the name came from an Afrikaans words "welkom " which mean  welcome,  there is  historical building in welkom,  this building complex consists of an administrative block,  a banquet hall,  the Ernest Oppenheimer Theatre and clock tower,  which has subsequently been transformed into tourist attraction hospting the welkom publicity association.

 Welkom is also known for its road traffic design mainly through the use of traffic circle,  the traffic flow in the city has attracted much attention and expects from all over the world to come and study the clever use of traffic circle this is the reason why welkom is well known as circle city,  welkom is the free state gold fields, serving several gold and uranium mines,  it also have reserves of coal,  the mining of gold does not only cover welkom area,  as gold is still being prospected in Virginia, Allanridge,  Frankfort,  Bothaville and Hennenman.

Welkom also has townships called Thabong and Bronville that has various attractive landmarks one can look at. With all this been said it is fair to say  we enjoyed our stay in welkom and like anyways we advise you to go and see the beauty of the small city.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Bloem's Night Life.

Bloem's Night Life.

No one realizes how beautiful travelling is until they come home and rest their head on that old pillow of theirs.

Here is the views of a night somewhere in Bloemfontein, we went on a trip to the center city itself, with many attractions to choose from our stop was however in a beautiful mimosa mall. A lot can be said about the place but the views from the top is just magnificent. by just looking one can realize that life is like a book and those who don't travel to explore are only reading on the first page.

Our view is that  the whole concept of travelling is to regulate the imagination of reality, so instead of imagining how things are or may be take a trip and see for yourself. We sure enjoyed our stay and recommend you do the same and visit Blo. Till we communicate again take care and travel with us.